Use the lasso tool to select an arbitrary or irregular region.
• Surround the area you wish to select by dragging the lasso
around the outside of the area.
• The lasso will cinch down to select all areas inside the region
whose color is different from the color first clicked on by the
lasso tool.
• The selection is indicated by a dotted outline.
• You may either move this selection with the mouse, or select
Cut, Copy, or Clear from the Edit menu.
• Hold down the Option key while you click on the selection to
make a duplicate.
When the lasso is selected, choose Configure Lasso... from the Options menu to configure the lasso's selection mode. In its default mode, the lasso cinches down to select any color other than the color you first click on with the lasso. With the Configure Lasso options, you can define various selection modes which determine what regions the lasso will select, and what their boundaries will be. For a more detailed description of lasso configuration options, see the section on Tool Configurations in the Advanced Painting Techniques section of the manual.